Weed or Flower? This video poses the question, "What makes something a weed or a flower?" And explores the artistic possibilities available in every sunny dandelion. Have fun playing and creating!!! Supplies:
This is my favorite video I have made for the children yet. Why? Certainly not because I am looking my best. Nope. I woke early to greet the day in the woods after a poor nights sleep, giving no thought to preliminary beautification or even taming my curls. Rather, while I was building a fairy house to share with the children, I heard wild turkeys gobbling in the distance. I quietly tracked through the forest until I found these wild forest fowl with my camera! If I could share my love of nature and wild spaces with every child in the world I certainly would! But at the very least I can share it with the children I teach and all of you. I hope you enjoy this episode of Art with Angelina even half as much as I did!
I created this video for the children as a simple tool to help them quiet their minds, calm them emotions and relax their bodies throughout the day. That said, it is just as useful for the adults in the room as well. So when you have a few quiet moments, click on the link and learn how to make a rock DANCE with your breath!
Here is a singing celebration from your teachers at CGMS. We are sending our love and hoping that you are making a joyful sound in the world! Be will and keep singing!
Another fun project for the children! The postcard challenge invites your child to create a handmade postcard, put it in the mailbox and in return your child will find a handmade postcard in their mailbox in the days ahead!!! A great way to stay connected in this time of physical distancing!!! To play follow this simply video tutorial. (Participating parents should have received an email with all the details!) Supplies: Heavy duty paper (I used 120lb watercolor paper)
Drawing or painting supplies of your choice
A black pen
A metal ruler
A postage stamp
And an answer to the following question: What is the best part of being young? That's it!!
Maybe to adults it does, but children naturally understand. The heart feels love and love is a kind of chemical in the body and the heart is a big ole magnet making a symphony of sorts. And trees talk with chemicals too! In fact, there’s a cacophony of connections going on just beneath your feet.
When we listen to trees with our hearts we learn to attend to the rustling before our minds identify it as tree leaves. We pause in our pursuit to name the singular magnificence before us as an “Oak” or “Pine” and linger instead in the indefinable mystery of life itself.
This is the art of Listening Beyond Words and children are masters of it.
I enjoyed collecting their thoughts and words over the school year and now those words are featured in a window display at the Artisan Center Store on Third and Detroit St. along with the love tree the children made with Amy and I. While the children weren't able to help me with the final touches, the overall display was envisioned by the them. It is our gift to the Cherry Creek North Community at this time of physical distancing, a simple reminder that we each are part of life’s great song.
Amy shared another wonderful video with us!!! Meet Grandmother Juniper Tree and then join me for a love stone video tutorial to share a little love with the special trees in your neighborhood!!!
Acrylic or similar paint
palette (I used a recycled lid)
Easy Peasy!
I hope you are befriending the trees around you and those you love from afar!
The children and I LOVE listening to birds and learning about them in the studio. I have always wanted to share a few of the bird songs I hear on my wanderings and what better time to do it than now! (with a little help from this new fandangled vlogging).
I hope you all enjoy these video clips and tutorial.
Mixed Media Paper
Waterbased Markers
Paint brush
Colored pencils
Gel pens (if you have them)
That's it!
(Encourage your child to let the paper dry between steps to avoid frustrations:)
Note: I won't be posting on Thursdays but will be available for a studio zoom call. So ring in if your child would like to share their creations with the group!
This simple painting activity offers an opportunity for children (of any age) to express their feelings in paint with big movements on large surfaces. It's important for each of us to take moments to communicate our emotions in healthy ways, thus allowing them pass through us rather than concretize into protective habits of behavior.
Have fun and let me know how it goes!
For supplies:
Okay I am SO excited to share this video with you featuring the children's Tree Talk Project and installation!!!!
If you are in the Cherry Creek North Neighborhood look for our Tree Chimes and be sure to watch the video tutorial above to make your own tree chime for the tree's around your house.
All you will need are:
Some string
Some beads or metal rings or pinecones and birdseed or anything you can find in your junk drawer to add to your string and make a happy sound in the world! That's it!!!
Here is a copy of our Tree Chime Tag to print and add it to your chime if you choose:
These chimes are a gift from the children of Children’s Garden Montessori School and are meant to serve as a community invitation to listen to the trees.
Trees talk to one another in ways we are just beginning to understand. In fact, the ground beneath our feet is rich with conversations and connections as meaningful as any we are capable of.
Be Well, Stay Curious and Keep Listening.
-With love, The Children
Keep listening to the world around you, the one you can hear AND the quiet one you can't.
The children are always sharing wonderful stories with me in the studio. To encourage some of this storytelling at home, I've created a simple video provocation complete with an original story and a collage illustration activity to try on your own.
In this video I share an original story with the children and offer a simple observational drawing activity that can be done in your own back yard! (HINT: Your child is gonna want apples for a snack!)
And a special tree.
That's it!!
Great news! I will be hosting Zoom calls on Friday for the children to share their creations with each other! If your child has been enjoying Art with Angelina, please join us on Friday for some virtual togetherness. I hope to see you there!
Who LOVES trees? WE DO!!!! This video Tutorial offers a fun activity encouraging the children to interact with the trees in their own backyards! AND below is a link to a wonderful video created by our fabulous mud specialist, Amy, for the children!!
How Glorious is that??? Happy tree exploring to all my scientist/artist/ecologists out there! Yep I am talking to you:)