This summer I hope all of you will join your amazing children for wonder walks. Just step outside the door and let the world astound you. Nothing more is required.
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Wonder Walks
This summer I hope all of you will join your amazing children for wonder walks. Just step outside the door and let the world astound you. Nothing more is required.
Table Talks
C God is a human who brings you up to heaven.
W He died hundreds of years ago.
Me What is Heaven?
E What!!! You don't know about heaven?!!!!
A Heaven is a place where skeletons and fairies live.
Me Whoa, that sounds like a strange place.
W and E No skeletons aren't in there.
A Well your bones go there when you die.
W Yeah, when you die and go to heaven you become like God but not the real God.
Me How does that work?
G When we are dead for hundreds of years we become strong like God.
Me Who is God?
Group Seriously?!!
Group God is really old and strong and he has a bow and arrows.
Me Is God a man?
Group YES!!!
Me Well is there a girl God?
Group No
Me Hmm. I don’t know how I feel about that because I’m a girl.
(A few girls nod in agreement but insist God is a man.)
L Maybe God can turn into anything God wants to.
A Yeah, so God can be a girl too if God wants to.
L Hey, I have something to say.
Me Go for it.
L We don’t even know if God is real.
W Yeah, when God died hundreds of years ago how did he get to heaven, he was just bones then?
G Well, God started hundreds of years ago with sand temples, then he died and someone else
became the sand temple God and he went up to heaven and became the real God.
Me How does God get up there?
E Yeah! He’s dead and not a God yet.
L Okay so maybe someone just called God a person.
Group No, it's a real thing!
G and L Maybe we don’t really KNOW if it's real.
L If God makes people in heaven before they get borned maybe it's real but we don't know for
E Maybe God’s not the one with the bow and arrow, maybe someone else is and we just think its
Me That’s an interesting idea.
W Maybe Jesus is a different guy too. Maybe God is bigger than all the guys?
E Hey Angelina do you know how Jesus died?
W Yeah Angelina do you know about Jesus?
Me Tell me!
W Jesus lived a long time ago. But he got eaten by 53 dragons!
E Yeah but before the dragons he got poisoned and pulled apart and then the dragons ate him.
Me Whoa that seems like a rough way to go!
L Maybe people like to tell stories.
Group Yeah….
(long pause)
W If God’s not a person maybe God's like gold lightening or something!
A Yeah!
G Or an animal… or all animals.
C I don’t think animals can go to heaven.
A Accept birds. Birds can go to heaven.
Me There are birds in heaven?
Group Yeah because they can fly.
(Clearly the group isn't impressed by my ability to keep up with the logic of the conversation.)
Me Well we can’t fly like birds. How does that work?
W Well God was a human and flew up to heaven, my Dad told me how but I sort of forgot, and
after hundreds of years he became a God or strong like a God.
Me So does everyone who dies become like a God after hundreds of years.
Group Yeah!
W But it takes longer for some people. I don’t know why.
E All the grown ups die. Well actually I don’t know if they are gonna die, because maybe if you don’t get sick maybe you don’t ever die but if grown ups, that’s you guys (pointing at me), die they will be in heaven or not heaven.
Me What is "not heaven"?
E Not heaven is when you didn’t get sick and didn’t die. If you’re in not heaven you become a
grandpa or a grandma or something.
L When you guys are dead (pointing at me again), we become you. We will be the grown ups.
G Yeah thats how life works
C and A Yeah!
Me I see. It’s kind of like the flowers.
Group. Yeah!
Me You guys are going to new schools, what will I do when I have more questions?
A Maybe you could talk to different kids?
L Yeah, kids always have answers.
Group Yeah they do!
I couldn’t agree more!
Enjoy your summer and thank you for the great privilege of learning and working alongside your children.
Stay Curious, Live with Wonder and Keep Listening,
Your Studio Teacher, Angelina