Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Neighborhood walks and tree-talk

The children and I are continuing our walking tours, noticing the many sounds, textures, smells and sights of autumn and other interesting details along the way.
Here is a glimpse from a recent walk:
We noticed that different leaves feel differently.  Some are rough "like sand paper", while others are smooth.
Each group has two photojournalists who are responsible for photographing the sights along the way and the rest of us are the finders, responsible for pointing out interesting things and gathering fall inspiration to be used in the studio.
As we walked along the sidewalk we noticed a crunching sound beneath our feet... "SIDEWALK MUSIC!!", the children hollered, walking animatedly back and forth.  In our search for the origin of the sound we found some long shaker seeds.
 We noticed another "seed tree" further along the way.
 Next, we found these fabulous buckeyes and loaded a few in our basket.
We discovered grand, old tree and laid down beside it's weathered trunk.  We looked up at the leaves moving in the breeze, the sunlight dancing in the branches and the blue sky emerging from behind the yellow canopy.
We talked together about the way trees communicate to us and the children wanted to say something back.  Using the materials we found along the walk, the children created a beautiful gift for the tree.
When we were all done, we stood back and admired our tree-talk.

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