Friday, January 20, 2017

I have a dream...

The children worked with Amy and I to create clay hearts as an extension of their "I have a dream..." exploration.
As the children held the clay in their hands and considered what their wish for the world might be, they imbued it with hopes for a better world.
When they were ready, (and I had written down their words) they set to work forming the clay ball into a heart shape.
 The toddlers did a similar project with Amy on Friday.
These hearts will be fired, then painted by the children and sealed.  In the Spring, we will deliver our clay wishes anonymously throughout the community and city... so stay tuned.
I will share a few of their words with you here and as you read them I hope it inspires you to consider what how we might contribute to a better, more just and caring world.

I have a dream…
My dream is that everybody will be happy and smiling.  You need to love people to be happy.  I want people to love each other so they will be happy.
-       Dillon
If people treated other people kindly no matter how they look and no matter if their eyes are different, and just treat everyone respectfully, that would make a better world.
-       Oliver
People need to play to be happy, like with ball toys and trains.  Everyone needs to play.
-       Aiden
I have a dream that everyone is treated kindly and with respect.  That means if you mess something up, you need to fix it.
-       Graham W.
I have a dream that all people will know that they are loved.
-       Lila K. 
My dream is that every kid will learn what it means to be really, really, really, nice.  That means all grown ups need to treat a kid kindly.
-       Ella H.

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