Thursday, August 22, 2024

Welcome to a new Studio year!

Years of working with children has taught me to revere dew drops collected on spider webs and marvel as green buds emerge from a winter's sleep. Children are patient teachers, who remind us that the natural world is our primary classroom and that we each arrive on planet earth with a propensity for wonder, delight, and aliveness.  As we mature, many of us learn to prioritize other things.  But why?  Wonder and delight are essential to a joyful life. As you may already know, the Studio is an extension of your child’s classroom.  In this space, through a creative lens, your child follows their interests as they  explore, play, experiment, collaborate, and problem-solve. Studio teachers are lifelong artists who foster competence in expressive languages. Any art generated in our space is a product of the children’s discoveries and collaborations. Think of them as artifacts of learning.  In fact, the Studio makes more sense when we begin to think about it as a living laboratory of learning rather than merely an art studio.  Our shared learning is guided by an annual research question and each year we learn as much as the children do! 

That brings us to this year’s question,  

How might creative expression intensify our love of the natural world?

We will be slowing down and exploring the world at the pace of a child.  And I am so excited to see what we might discover!  With a second studio classroom (one at the center of the indoor school and the other in our newly constructed studio space in the outdoor environment), we will have more opportunities than ever for nature immersion.   To sweeten the deal, we also have FOUR amazing studio teachers joining your children this year.  I will continue as your main studio teacher but will be joined by Bekke and Jamie (yes, your amazing admin. team, with over 50 years of combined teaching experience!) on frequent Wednesdays, our spectacular mud specialist Amy Laugesen, and occasionally classroom teachers may join in the mix!  

How fun is that?!!!! 

I have so much more to share, and will look forward to doing so on September 6th, during our first Parent Coffee of the new year!  I hope to see you there!

Stay Curious and Full of Wonder,


Please keep in mind that your child will be encouraged to be a child and will no doubt get messy from time to time.  That is an expected and necessary part of child development and sensory integration.  Please dress your child accordingly. 

Looking ahead, 

  • Please mark your calendars for the annual Curator’s Talk on May 5th at 5 PM.  This is a collaborative studio conference where we will present our year of research AND come together in meaningful conversation.

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