Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Enchanting Explorations

The children began visits to the studio this week and I could not be more delighted! In keeping with our research question, the studio is connecting children with the natural world through a variety of materials. 
This magnificent treehouse has been a perennial favorite for many years.

The Latin origin of the word "enchant" meant "to sing upon." To be enchanted by the natural world, literally, meant to be sung too.  Cultures around the world have historically sung to forests and other special landscapes.This year we will be doing the same! Here you can see the children playing with instruments set up in the studio. Next week we will be exploring music in the outdoor environment as well. Our early explorations emphasize the importance of listening. These tools allow us to sound a note and then follow it as long as we can with our ear. This will foster our listening in the weeks and months ahead. Listening to wind and snowfall and birdsong and one another. 

Stay Curious and Filled with Wonder! 

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