Friday, November 8, 2019

The Love Tree

Our tree is taking shape, thanks to all the children who have added papier mache' to its emerging bark.  We had to really rub the gluey paper onto the trunk in order to smooth it down and get it to adhere properly.  As we did a few children said, "We love you tree!" as they lovingly rubbed the bark.  This action took off and soon most of the children could be heard loving the tree into life.
When we were done I asked, "What should we call our tree?" and they suggested "Love Tree."  So that is what it has become, our very own love tree. Several of your children have become young tree huggers in their own right.
Today the teachers and I talked about the tree study and where we might go from here.  They had so many fabulous ideas, most of which I would never have considered on my own.  Ahhh the power of collaboration! I can hardly wait to share these inspirations with you and the children in the months ahead.
If you are a parent at our school come on by to see our resident tree and if you'd like to share your love of trees with the world, there will be lots of opportunities ahead!  PLEASE contact me and we will make something happen.
Enjoy your weekend and say hello to your neighborhood trees!

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