Friday, September 20, 2019

What will it become?

 "What kind of flower do you think these bulbs will become if we plant them in the ground?"
I asked the children on Tuesday afternoon and the children had fun considering the options... " a tree", "a tulip", "a daisy", "a rose".
They recorded their hypothesis with markers and paper.  These drawings will be revisited in the Spring once the bulbs are grown.  
Planting was wonderful! 
The children worked, quiet and deliberate, kneeling in the dirt, carefully laying two bulbs in a hole and coving them with soil.  When I asked the children to tell me what their bulb might need to grow.  Some answered "water, air and soil", clearly schooled in the science of gardening but others suggested that the bulbs would need happiness, love, mama's and families in order to grow, illustrating their experience that human growth involves more than food, water and shelter. 
Their names and thoughts were recorded on wooden sticks to accompany the bulb through the winter.
And we are looking forward to the spring when our bulbs will push forth in new life, proclaiming their color and petals for all the world to see.  We will share or predictions and results then.

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