Thursday, September 1, 2016

Start of the year

Classrooms are filling up with children, many of whom are getting to know their environments and routines for the first time.  It is so beautiful to hear the hum of activity in the school.  At this time of year I am reminded just how courageous children are.  They encounter so much newness every day, often coming up against their own comfort thresholds and passing through into the unknown.  They are an inspiration and whenever I hesitate on the precipice of my own unfamiliar territories I think of them.  

The studio differs from the classrooms.  It's an open-ended environment informed by Montessori and guided by the philosophies of Reggio-Emila.  Our research question sets the course for our year of study but where we go, how our learning develops and where we will land is entirely up to the children.  It's a wonderful journey of discovery and each of you are invited to come along, share in the process and contribute your own unique perspectives, experiences and voices along the way.

The studio is prepped and ready to set sail.

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