Friday, September 16, 2016

the value of relationship

Given the results of the longest running longitudinal study into what constitutes a fulfilled life, (the Harvard Grant Study)  the secret of happiness appears to be... (drum roll please)... supportive, loving relationships. Seriously!  Not money or success or even stellar health, but relationships.  This study, along with other research into the value of community and connection, has inspired this year's studio investigations of community, connection, collaboration, communication and creativity...basically relationships and interdependence.
It's beautiful to witness the many ways your children are forming relationships and connections with one another in these early days of school, coming together around shared interests, art, play, food and more.
Their natural tendency to care needs to be nurtured and modeled rather than taught.
 I look forward to seeing where our year of research will take us.
We all exist in relation to one another.  If we keep that foremost in mind how might the world be different?
Each of you are part of this community, please feel free to chat with me about ways to become involved in our year together.  

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