Friday, September 30, 2016

the art of listening

To further our study of community and communication, the XP class is investigating what it means to listen…not just to one another but also deeply to all life everywhere.
In an effort to support this process, your child has agreed to adopt a plant for the year. 
Together we identified the needs of a plant, discovering that they are the same needs shared by all living organisms: sunlight, water, air, food, temperature and space.
Over the next year, the children will be listening to the plants and how they communicate their needs… Does it need more light or less?  Does it need more water, less or is it just right?  Does the plant need a new pot with more room or is it looking a little peckish and in need of some plant food?  What do plants eat?  Where does plant food come from?
It’s my hope that the whole family might enjoy listening in new and different ways to the life all around us.

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