Thursday, October 16, 2014


Wonder is defined by our friends at Merriam-Webster as a "feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc."  As usual the definition is a bit lack luster in comparison with the experience of WONDER. 
I had the good fortune to join 440AM on their fall walk around the neighborhood this week and wonder was abundant in the hearts, minds and senses of everyone present.
Some of the children discovered the early morning wetness on the grass. Vida bent over the verdant expanse in awe and spoke aloud a number of questions about the wetness. Modeling her own apparent wonder.  Soon J offered that the early morning wet was called dew.  We touched and admired the droplets of glistening water on individual blades of grass and then moved on up the sidewalk.
The trees were colorful conspirators, reminding us of natures expansive palette and her eager willingness to use it.
Another wonder-full exchange happened when bushes were discovered as habitats for tunnel-web spiders.  The oohs and ahhs could be heard for blocks.  Children looked and asked questions.   A few intrepid souls even touched the webs to test tension strength and more.
As adults working and learning alongside children we are all reminded of their natural state of WONDER and the gift that we can meet it with, is our wonder in return.  I hear our teachers, on so many occasions, modeling wonder.  Just this week I heard a teacher talking at length to a group of children about the bird feeder and the seeds that had sprouted and grown into bird feeding stalks, I overheard teachers expressing enthusiasm about worms found on the playground and leaves and seasons and weather and friendship and all the many spenders of life.
On the walk I was fortunate to hold the hand of my friend J, whose wonder was contagious.  I said to him, "J, you bring so much wonder with you on a walk" and he said "YEP! I am a wonder boy".  I said, "Yeah we are full of wonder aren't we".  He smiled up at me with his wide grin and added, "Yeah we are WONDER-full!"

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